Friday, April 27, 2012

Suggestions for Pain Free Sleep

Gentle Reader,
I subscribe to Johns Hopkins Health Alert.  They frequently publish white papers on various topics.  Some of this information I have passed on to you previously.  Today I recommend taking a look at their most recent article on The Latest Back Pain Relief Strategies: Learn How to Fight Osteopenia and Osteoporosis.  

I just ordered my pre-release copy and with it came a down loadable document called OH, MY ACHING BACK!

Practical ways to minimize pain and protect against injury.  This little pamphlet is worth the $19.95 plus shipping that I paid for the book.  I especially like the discussion of Nighttime Back Protection

For years now I have been following this suggestion.  "The best way to sleep if you have a bad back is on your side with your
knees bent and a pillow between your knees. This position helps to maintain the natural curves of your spine."

I actually incorporate the next suggestion as well: "When sleeping on your back, keep your knees slightly raised by placing a pillow underneath them. This prevents your lower back from overarching by supporting the weight of your extended legs."

This one, not so much, but I've never been a stomach sleeper.  I suppose they needed to include a suggestion for those who prefer this position.  Ask your massage therapist to put a pillow on the table as in this photo.  "If you can’t break the habit of sleeping on your stomach, place a pillow underneath your abdomen to keep your spine aligned."

My preferred strategy is to use 2 pillows, one with a hollow in the center for my head and one of those lumbar pillows they sell at the chiropractor's office.  In fact both of my pillows came from a chiropractor's office.  I hope this picture helps:  

I begin the night lying flat with my head in the hollow and the little pillow under my knees.  Rolling onto the side, it is easy to pull the lower pillow between the knees and shift to the edge of the head pillow if you want more height.  Some people use much larger pillows, but I find this smaller ones do the job and are easy to maneuver in the night.  They don't get in the way as much if you are sleeping with a partner.

I bought a couple camping pillows from Big 5 and made cases for them from an old pillow case.  These roll up and fit in one of Rick Steve's travel bags.  This way I never have to deal with the giant boulders of bed pillows in European hotels.  I tuck my night gown and slippers and even a wash cloth in on top. These little zipper draws hold an amazing amount of stuff.  I have even crammed in a silk dressing gown for when the bath room is down the hall.

I hope these suggestions help you if travel is in your future, or if simply lying on your own bed is not as restful as you would like. 

All the best,
Be Well, Do Well and Keep moving!


Betsy Bell's Health4u
206 933 1889
previous nowheelchair blogs can be found at 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful info Betsy, and thanks for the ideas. Several I had not heard of nor had not been told in the 14 years since a MAC truck tried to kill me. I have suffered with pain so severe that along with the other health issues I am considered totally disabled. However, when SHAKLEE came into my life & the wonderful people who share their life experiences and knowledge, I am now able to work again and can at least live a somewhat comfortable and way less synthetic drug free life.
    B Taylor
