Friday, May 11, 2012

The aging process

Gentle Reader,

I was looking in the mirror this morning and seeing the sagging skin of a woman who has lived outdoors and loved it, who has smiled, laughed, talked animatedly for decades enjoying the rapid repartee. Even if you are under 30, you can appreciate the inevitability of our aging process.  

Our bones and joints are part of this aging picture.  Instead of writing about the aging process, I am going to let Dr. Jamie McManus tell you the scientific facts we know today about what happens at the cellular level to hurry or slow the aging process.  

I take the Shaklee product Vivix, not mentioned in her talk, but alluded to since it contains the plants extracts she discusses as a way to slow down the aging process.  I am absolutely convinced that a swig of this delicious liquid once and sometimes twice a day has helped lower my arthritis pain level considerably.  And think what it might be doing for my mental capacity, heart health and kidney function. Watch the short video and let me know what you think. She talks fast and the topic is complex.  You might want to watch it twice.  I did.

Be well, Do well and Keep moving,


Betsy Bell's Health4U
206 933 1889
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